
Crafting words that inspire and stories that transcend with the influence of written expression.



Here is a collection of writing pieces that demonstrate my versatility, creativity, and command of the written word. Through this portfolio, you will witness my ability to craft engaging narratives, communicate ideas effectively, and captivate readers with my writing.

Writing is a powerful tool that allows us to express thoughts, convey emotions, and share information in a compelling manner. In this portfolio, I showcase my expertise in various writing styles, genres, and formats, ranging from articles and blog posts to creative fiction and persuasive copy.

Each writing piece in this portfolio represents my dedication to crafting well-researched, thought-provoking, and impactful content. From informative articles that educate and inspire to persuasive copy that drives action, I strive to deliver writing that not only meets the objectives but also resonates with the intended audience.


A Showcase of Diverse Writing Types

Journalistic Pieces
I have a passion for investigative reporting, storytelling, and delivering accurate and impactful news coverage. From the pieces here, you will witness my ability to uncover compelling stories, present information objectively, and engage readers with my journalistic writing.

Journalism plays a vital role in informing, educating, and shaping public discourse. It serves as a powerful medium to shed light on important issues, hold institutions accountable, and give a voice to those who may otherwise go unheard.

Throughout my writing projects, I approach each topic with meticulous research, ensuring accuracy, credibility, and depth of knowledge. Whether it's a captivating story, an engaging opinion piece, or an informative guide, I invest time and effort in understanding the subject matter and presenting it in a compelling and accessible manner.
Ad Copy
I understand how copy and imagery work in tandem with one another to create an effective advertising campaign. When writing impactful advertising copy, one must capture attention, resonate with the target audience, and drive desired actions.

Advertising copy serves as the voice of brands, conveying their unique value proposition, building brand identity, and enticing consumers to take action. In this portfolio, I demonstrate my ability to develop persuasive and engaging copy that effectively communicates brand messages and sparks interest.

Each advertising copy piece in this portfolio represents my dedication to understanding the target audience, brand positioning, and campaign objectives. Whether it's a catchy headline, a captivating tagline, or a compelling call-to-action, I strive to create copy that not only captures attention but also resonates with the audience on an emotional level.

My Projects


French Food in Knoxville

Journalistic Writing

I chose to write a story diving into where one can eat authentic French cuisine in Knoxville for several reasons.
  1. France has a long history of gastronomy, and its culinary traditions are deeply rooted in cultural heritage. Understanding the history and traditions behind French cuisine can enrich our appreciation for the culinary arts and help us understand how food shapes our cultural identity.
  2. French cuisine is renowned for its elegance, technique, and rich flavors. By highlighting French culinary practices and dishes in America, readers can discover the diverse range of flavors and experiences available right in their own backyard.
  3. French cuisine has had a significant influence on the culinary landscape worldwide, including the United States. Exploring how French cuisine has been adapted, incorporated, and celebrated in American cities provides a fascinating glimpse into the cultural exchange between the two countries.
  • Explored the historical context of French cuisine and its influence on global culinary traditions.
  • Researched and profiled French restaurants in Knoxville, discussing their history, menu offerings, and unique features.
  • Interviewed several sources related to French cuisine in Knoxville.


Letter From The Editor

Journalistic Writing

As editor-in-chief of Ablaze Magazine, I was asked by The Daily Beacon, the student-run newspaper at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to write a special Letter From The Editor for their special edition for Women’s History Month. 

Given Ablaze Magazine’s feminist mission and basis as a women’s magazine, I found that it was necessary to create a letter that is both reflective of the past and hopeful for continued change in the future. 

Women's History Month provides a dedicated platform to amplify the voices and stories of women throughout history. As a feminist magazine, it is crucial to shine a spotlight on the achievements, contributions, and struggles of women across different cultures, generations, and fields. By celebrating Women's History Month, the magazine can honor and uplift the narratives that have often been marginalized or overlooked.
  • Highlighted key achievements, milestones, and challenges faced by women in acknowledgement to Women’s History Month.
  • Established a connection with Women’s History Month by introducing Ablaze Magazine’s rebrand and discussing upcoming print publication. 
  • Encouraged readers to engage with Ablaze Magazine.


The Effect of "Impression, Sunrise" On Modern Art

Journalistic Writing

Choosing to write about the importance of "Impression, Sunrise" stems from a deep appreciation for art history and a recognition of the significant impact this particular painting has had on the art world. "Impression, Sunrise" holds a special place in the development of art as it marked the birth of the Impressionist movement.

The groundbreaking nature of "Impression, Sunrise" sparked controversy and criticism when it was first exhibited. The term "Impressionism" was even coined from this painting, as it was initially used mockingly by a critic. However, over time, the Impressionist movement gained recognition and became one of the most influential art movements in history.

The Impressionist movement continues to be one of my favorite art movements due to the usage of bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and the emphasis on capturing the effects of light.
  • Provided a brief overview of the artist, Claude Monet, and his role as a key figure in the Impressionist movement.
  • Explored the direct and indirect influence of "Impression, Sunrise" on modern art movements.
  • Examined how "Impression, Sunrise" challenged the traditional notions of representation and artistic conventions.

More projects are on their way!

Explore my other endeavors by returning to the "My Work" page.