Photography & Videography

Capturing moments and illuminating stories through visual storytelling.



Here are the photography and videography projects that I have created with a keen eye for visual storytelling and a passion for capturing meaningful moments. Through this portfolio, you will witness my ability to create compelling visual narratives and evoke emotions through the lens.

Photography and videography are powerful mediums that allow us to freeze time, preserve memories, and convey stories in a captivating way. In this portfolio, I showcase my expertise in capturing both still images and moving visuals that leave a lasting impact and resonate with viewers.

Each project in this portfolio represents my commitment to crafting visually stunning and emotionally engaging visual content. From capturing striking landscapes and portraits to documenting events and creating promotional videos, I have utilized my technical skills and creative vision to bring stories to life.

My Projects


In the realm of photography, I focus on composition, lighting, and perspective to create captivating images that convey the essence of the subject. Whether it's capturing the beauty of nature, the raw emotions of a portrait, or the intricate details of a product, I strive to showcase the unique qualities that make each subject special.


Futuristic Fashion Shoot

The futuristic fashion shoot that I had the privilege of being a part of, through The Fashion Society, was a mesmerizing experience that pushed the boundaries of creativity and style. As one of the many captivating photoshoots organized by the club each semester, this particular shoot aimed to transport viewers into a world where fashion met technology in the most intriguing and avant-garde way.
  • Developed a clear and compelling concept for the futuristic fashion shoot. Created a mood board to gather visual references and inspiration for the shoot.
  • Worked closely with fashion club members to curate futuristic and avant-garde outfits for the shoot. 
  • Enhanced the futuristic elements of the images through post-processing and editing.


Pieces of the World Collage

The collage I created using items from around the world is a vibrant and captivating representation of diverse cultures and the spirit of world travel. The collage serves as a celebration of diversity and a reminder of the interconnectedness of our global community.

The collage features an eclectic mix of artifacts, photographs, postcards, and memorabilia from various countries and continents. Each element was carefully selected and thoughtfully arranged.

It encourages viewers to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of different cultures while fostering a sense of curiosity and wanderlust. It is a visual testament to the power of travel to broaden horizons, challenge perspectives, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the world around us.
  • Determined how I want to portray the essence of world travel through photography.
  • Paid attention to composition and framing to create visual appeal. Experimented with different perspectives, angles, and framing techniques to add depth and interest to the collage.
  • Aimed to tell a story of a world traveler with the photographs and collage.


Similarly, in videography, I employ storytelling techniques, cinematography principles, and smooth editing to create compelling narratives that engage and captivate audiences. Through careful selection of shots, effective sequencing, and appropriate use of music and sound, I bring stories to life on the screen.


Up-and-Coming Journalist Profile Story

I had the privilege of interviewing Katie Callahan, an aspiring sports journalist with a burning passion for sports and media. With an unwavering determination to make a mark in the industry, Callahan showcases immense potential and a clear vision for her future.
Throughout our conversation, Callahan shared her deep-rooted love for sports and her desire to combine it with her passion for storytelling. Her extensive knowledge of sports, coupled with her exceptional communication skills, makes her a force to be reckoned with in the field of sports journalism.
  • Conducted an interview with the subject to gather their insights, thoughts, and experiences.
  • Used visual storytelling techniques to engage the audience and convey the classmate's story effectively. 
  • Incorporated interviews, b-roll footage, photographs, and voiceovers to provide a comprehensive and compelling narrative.

More projects are on their way!

Explore my other endeavors by returning to the "My Work" page.